With less than a week until the release of Star Wars Battlefront II and to prove we really are the nerds we claim to be here at Retro Ramble; we took part in the Pre Release BETA – which for all you normal people means we were able to trial the game before anyone else (well anyone who didn’t also sign up that is!).
The video below offers 3 mins of gameplay from one of the Multiplayer game modes, Galactic Assault as Retro Ramble’s Charlie McGhee tries to take out a many AI controlled enemies as possible before a human opponent can spoil his fun. There is a noticeable improvement in the graphics and gameplay which considering how good the first game’s were is really saying something.
Galactic Assault – 3 Mins of Gameplay on Fondor
First Impressions
Last time we were speaking about Star Wars Battlefront it was to have a little whine and moan about how EA DICE were drip-feeding all the decent levels by way of a season-pass-only-DLC (aka Downloadable Content). Well, the good news is that from the first glimpse of Star Wars Battlefront II, It seems that our concerns, shared by many other Star Wars/EA DICE fans, have finally been answered.
Not only does Star Wars Battlefront II come with a more in-depth single player arcade mode than the last iteration but the game itself spans every Star Wars film in the known saga.

Does this make up for the prequels themselves?
Probably not, but it does go someway to lessen the damage done. Will there still be a massive amount of DLC that you need to pay extra for?
However, given that Star Wars Battlefront II finally offers players the ability to reenact every battle from every Star Wars film, it does make the game more attractive and a worthy investment for any Star Wars fan.

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Star Wars Battlefront II – Darth Maul Naboo Palace Work Out
Not only did we check out starfighter levels but we also had a few goes on the Darth Maul level set in Naboo Palace. Lots of fun to be had but it should be pointed out it takes a while to get used to the concept that Maul can’t deflect any laser blasts for some reason. Maybe, as this video shows it would make things totally imbalanced, yet more inline with how Sith are portrayed in the films.
EA DICE recently confirmed Jar Jar Binks was going to be added as a playable character. As one might expect a fan has already been kind enough to render an image of what they hope this could mean for us all!
